“The training experience has been very enriching. After many years of working in this field, I found it to be extremely gratifying to gain the level of knowledge and sharing provided through this training. I thought Bonnie did an exceptional job. I found her to be highly inspirational.”
“I found this to be a very valuable experience. Bonnie is an excellent trainer, and I found that this experience was very safe and empowering, professionally and personally. The other participants were also awesome…I think that this model is very effective. I feel very blessed to have had this opportunity, feeling very energized and that I have a very effective model to share with clients. Great opportunity!”
"CCT model has offered a different challenge at this point of my career. The learning atmosphere is really cordial and thought-provoking!"
“Bonnie Lee is an excellent trainer. I appreciated how available and open she was whenever you required assistance. I found the demonstrations enlightening not only for learning the model but as an education to her wonderful style of empathy and compassion.”
“Steeped in theory, based on research and experience, but presented in such a digestible, practical, applicable manner...a marvellous contributor to the enhancement of people’s lives.”
“Insightful, intuitive, delicately facilitated process, focusing on people’s capacities, courage and successes. Very affirmative.”
"The sharing by various professionals from different countries. It opened up my worldview."